Rabu, 24 Mei 2017

How to Make "Pepes Tahu Daun Kemangi Khas Sunda"

Recipe of Pepes Tofu with Basil
Here's how easy and simple to make pepes
tofu delicious Sundanese as a simple menu for having sahur  that can be the right choice to increase appetite. The ingredients and spices Pepes Tofu with Basil as follow:

  • 10 pieces of yellow tofu Bandung small size or other tofu, crush until soft
  • 2 spring onions, cut into ½ cm pieces
  •  1 stalk lemongrass, cut into ½ cm pieces
  • Red pepper to taste, leave whole or sliced
  •  1 egg
  • 3 grains of red onion, thinly sliced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, thinly sliced
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon chicken powder or taste buds 
  • Bay leaves and basil leaves to taste 
  • Banana leaves and sticks to wrap
  1. Beat eggs, salt and chicken broth and add onion, garlic, green onion and lemongrass. Mix with tofu and basil leaves then mix well.
  2. Cut a banana leaf with a size of 20 cm, heat or burn briefly on the fire while being shifted so that the leaves are limp so not easily torn when cooked.
  3. Pour about 4 tablespoons of dough on top of banana leaf pieces that are covered with a bay leaf. Put the whole cayenne pepper on top of it then wrap and stitch the two ends with the stick.
  4. Steam for 25 minutes or until done. Can be directly served or burned first for a little more fragrant. 

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